
  • Advice For Regaining Child Custody After Substance Abuse

    Losing custody of your child due to substance abuse can be a wakeup call for many people. Taking the steps to regain custody will require work and perseverance, but the results will be worth it. The following guide can help you make the right decisions as you begin working to regain your parental rights. Keep up with treatment In many cases you will be presented with a court ordered treatment plan or you will be required to seek treatment on your own.
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  • 3 Things You Need To Know About Getting Parental Rights Terminated

    After a divorce many couples have custody agreements to handle the care of the children. In some cases, one parent is unfit to care for the children. In this case, the parent with full custody may want to have the parental rights of their ex-spouse terminated. If this is the case for you, there are some very important things you need to know about getting parental rights terminated. 1. You Will Need To Prove That The Parent Is Unfit
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  • Heading Out On Vacation? 3 Steps To Make Sure Your Estate Is In Order Before You Leave

    Summer is here. Time to head out and enjoy that much-deserved vacation. Before you take off, there's one more item of business that you should take care of – your will. When was the last time you took a look at your will? If you can't remember, now is the time to do that. The last thing you want is for something to happen on your vacation that leaves you with an outdated will and an unprotected family.
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  • Getting Divorced Later In Life? 3 Things To Consider

    Divorce doesn't always happen to young couples, since it's very possible for an older couple to get a divorce too. When this happens, there will be some different things that should be considered that a young couple doesn't have to think about. There is not as much time for dealing with financial recovery after a divorce due to factors like retirement. Shared assets may be considered bargaining tools that can help you get what you really want as well.
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  • Feeling Alienated? Here Are The Symptoms Of Parent Alienation

    Parent alienation is when one parent tries to alienate a child against the other parent. This can happen due to a messy divorce or a custody arrangement not working out the way one particular parent wanted. It can also happen through step-parents as they try to force their way into family units. It's important for parents to know when they are being pushed out and alienated. Here are the common symptoms if you feel like it is happening to you.
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  • 3 Tips For Divorce Mediation

    Many divorcing couples turn to mediation to save money and avoid court. Even if you and your spouse are unable to reach an agreement on all of your issues, mediation can help with some of the issues so that the family court only has to intervene on what is left. If you are heading to mediation, here are some tips to keep in mind.  Consult With Your Attorney Before you and your spouse attend mediation, consult with your attorney.
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  • 3 Tips To Establish Paternity For Child Support

    A new child is always a blessing, but a baby can also bring a number of challenges and complications. That's especially true if you're an unwed mother. Single moms face numerous challenges in raising their children, including financial difficulties and the logistical obstacles of managing a career, education, personal life, and child care. If you recently gave birth as a single mother, you may be considering legal action to get child support and childcare assistance from the father.
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  • Ensuring Protection: Child Support Enforcement

    For the divorcing parents of a minor child, the issue of child support is nearly a certainty. The family courts can and will require the inclusion of a child support provision, unless the parents have agreed to shared 50/50 parenting where both parents will be sharing equal amounts of custody. It may be helpful to understand how the courts view child support and how the provisions are enforced, since the courts take a very serious line on protecting the most innocent victims of a divorce situation.
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  • What You Should Know About Divorce And Finances

    Divorce can end up being pretty costly, especially if you and your spouse don't agree with each other on the division of your assets. You have probably wondered how a divorce will affect your assets and property. There are some things you should know about divorce and finances, and these are just a sample. Prenuptial Agreements You might have signed or had your spouse sign a prenuptial agreement before you got married.
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