
  • Thinking About Bankruptcy? Know What Won't Be Discharged

    While you may think that filing for bankruptcy is the answer to all your financial problems, it is not always the case. Some debts are not allowed to be discharged, so you'll still need to pay them off after everything is wrapped up in court. Here are those debts that won't be discharged so you can be well aware of what they are. Housing Fees Is part of the reason for your bankruptcy filing due to your house costing too much money?
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  • Need to Leave an Addict and Get a Divorce? What to Know Now

    If drug abuse or alcohol addiction has taken over your spouse's life and you have tried to help them over and over with no success, you may feel like you want to get a divorce. If you are worried that they are going to act violently or fight you to get the kids, and they can't be trusted, you want to meet with a lawyer right away. A family divorce lawyer sees divorce cases every day and will be able to help you file and get the case moving quickly.
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  • Don't Feel The Need To Discuss Your Plans For Divorce In These Situations

    While there are many different ways that you can begin the process of divorcing your spouse, many people decide to discuss this idea with one another. Bringing up this topic is understandably difficult, but the respect that you show your spouse by sharing your feelings can leave you with no regrets in the months and years ahead. You shouldn't always feel as though it's necessary to discuss your plans for divorce with your spouse, however.
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  • Temporary Custody: What to Know

    When parents divorce, child custody can be a major issue. Before the final divorce decree is issued, the parents may disagree on who is to have custody of the child during the divorce. Though the separation period may only be for a few months, this time period holds the potential to be both contentious and more far-reaching than some parents understand. Read on to learn more about temporary child custody orders.
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  • 3 Child Custody Tips When You're Experiencing An Amicable Divorce

    The internet is full of advice for those going through hostile and difficult divorces, but the truth is that even an amicable divorce is one that must be approached thoughtfully. This is especially true when you have children. The way that you handle your divorce now will have an impact on your kids for many years to come. Here are a few tips for managing child custody when you're experiencing an amicable divorce.
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  • 3 Different Ways A Personal Injury Attorney Can Assist You After A Car Accident

    After a car accident, a personal injury attorney can assist you in a variety of ways--not just in the courtroom. 1. Help You Understand Your Rights A personal injury attorney is there to help you understand your rights after a car accident. They are there to help you understand the different legal options that you have now that you have been in a car accident. Your attorney will explain to you how the statute of limitation works so that you know how long you have to move forward with your case.
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  • Have You Run Out Of Options? 3 Things You'll Need To Do Now That You've Decided To Divorce

    If you and your spouse have been plagued with marital problems and you see no end in sight, it's time to think about divorce. While divorce is never easy, it's often the best choice, especially when marital problems are too significant to overcome. Before you file for divorce, you need to make sure you're prepared. Here are three things you'll need to do now that divorce is your only option.
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  • Is Divorce In Your Future? 4 Steps To Take Before The Papers Are Served

    If You've spent your life as a stay-at-home spouse, and now you're facing the prospect of divorce, you need to get out in front of the situation. Your life is going to be a lot different once your spouse files for divorce. Don't get stuck on the losing end. Here are four of the most important things you should do now that divorce is in your future. Hire an Attorney
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  • 3 Things To Know About Child Custody

    When it comes to relationships, not all of them go the distance. In 2014 alone, there were just over 800,000 divorces in the US. Many couples who split, whether they were married or not, also have children together. Deciding how to split a child's time up between two parents can be difficult. Determining where their child's primary residence will be can also be difficult and a source of strife. Child custody agreements can take a lot of time and adjustments to get right.
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  • Getting Divorced In Florida? What To Know About Alimony

    One part of the divorce process will be determining if alimony should be paid and how much it should be. Be aware that the need and amount of alimony payments is determined by a judge, and there are several factors that go into the final decision. Here are a few key things to know about alimony if you are getting divorced in Florida. A Judge Considers Earning Capabilities of Both Parties
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