
  • 4 Reasons You May Need To Hire Child Support Lawyers

    When you have a child, you make a commitment to support that child until they reach adulthood. This means making sure they have everything they need in order to thrive, including food, shelter, and clothing. But it also means making sure they have the emotional support they need to grow into healthy adults. One of the most important ways of providing this emotional support is by ensuring that both parents remain involved in their lives after a separation or divorce.
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  • 3 Questions For Couples Seeking A Divorce

    Are you considering a divorce with your spouse and not sure what to do? Here are a few questions that you may have.  What Is Legal Separation? Some couples decide to pursue legal separation as their first step when considering divorce. The process is very similar to filing for a divorce, as it allows a couple to divide assets, debts, and determine child custody. You won't be married at the end of the process, but not single either.
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  • Do You Need A Divorce Attorney If You Agree On Everything?

    If you're approaching a divorce in which you and your partner have agreed to split everything, you may wonder whether you need to hire a divorce lawyer. Well, technically, you don't. But in reality, a lot of things are involved in divorces (even the amicable ones), and it may be a costly mistake to try to handle everything yourself. Below are four reasons why hiring a divorce attorney is a good idea even if you agree on everything.
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  • 4 Questions About Collaborative Divorces

    Are you currently in the process of getting a divorce, but are unsure if you should attempt a collaborative divorce? Here are some things you need to know about a collaborative divorce to learn if it will be right for you.  Why Get A Collaborative Divorce? Some couples find that a collaborative divorce is cheaper than other forms of the process. That is because everyone works together during the divorce to reach a final agreement.
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  • 3 Things To Know About Online Divorce Mediation

    Is your divorce getting to the point where you are going to start mediation? If so, you need to decide how you want to get it done. While you have the option for in-person mediation, you may prefer to do it online instead. Here is what you need to know about online divorce mediation before you move forward. Online Divorce Mediation Is Convenient The biggest advantage of having your divorce mediation online is the convenience of it.
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  • Why You Should Hire A Child Custody Lawyer To Represent You

    Getting a divorce can be an emotional battle at times. When the case involves custodial arrangements that include visitation rights and monetary support amounts, stress levels mount. Both parties in the divorce may get to the point where they can no longer communicate with each other. At this point, the best thing for you to do is to hire your own child custody lawyer who will make sensible decisions for your own custody case that are in the interests of your child or children.
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  • Reasons A Divorce Attorney Can Be So Important To Your Case

    If you want a divorce and you know you aren't going to change your mind and nothing can save your marriage, then the right move for you is to get a divorce attorney. Even if you expect the divorce to go smoothly, you should still consider having an attorney. Here are some of the reasons why it can be important for you to go into the divorce process already having an attorney on your side: 
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  • Settling A Divorce After Domestic Violence: 5 Things Your Attorney Must Fight For On Your Behalf

    Hiring a divorce attorney after you've been abused in a domestic violence situation is the first step in changing the rest of your life; however, there are many more steps ahead of you. One very important step is your divorce settlement, which must essentially guarantee you, and your children if you have any, a way out of the situation and upward to a better life.  1. Possession Of Your Home And Property
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  • Dividing Up Marital Assets And Debts During A Difficult Divorce

    Coming up with a solution for a property settlement during a divorce is going to take some negotiation. When the divorce is full of contention, figuring out who is going to get what property from the divorce is going to be a nightmare. A property distribution lawyer knows what it takes to get two people to negotiate during a divorce to get to a final determination. Whether you live in a community property state and everything is divided in half or you live in an equitable distribution state and everything is split fairly, it's important to know what you can expect out of your divorce so that you know when to stand your ground.
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  • Can You Get A Divorce Without An Attorney?

    Going through a divorce is one of the most expensive processes many Americans will undergo. After having gotten used to sharing expenses, divorce forces a couple to find a way to live separate lives. All this, of course, is before you even factor in the costs of hiring an attorney. Hiring an attorney is not cheap and this is an expense many people hope they can avoid. This raises the question of whether or not you can get divorced without an attorney and whether this is a good idea to begin with.
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