
  • Four Common Mistakes Parents Make With Kids During A Divorce And How To Avoid Them

    Parenting can be tough on its own, but if you are going through a divorce, this can be an even more difficult task. It is important that you think with your child's best interests at heart while bearing in mind any legal ramifications that might coming through from your divorce. Here are four common parental mistakes that can happen during a divorce and how to avoid falling into any of these traps.
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  • What Happens To Your Pets After A Divorce?

    Divorce is always a messy situation. When children, dependents, or pets are involved – things can get especially difficult. Unfortunately, pets are not handled the same way as children and other dependents. If you and your spouse have a pet together, it is normal to wonder who will get custody of the pet after the divorce is finalized. Animals Are Considered Property When it comes to the law, animals are considered property in the same way your house, car and belongings are.
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  • How Much Time Can You Spend In Jail For A DUI Conviction In Georgia?

    DUI convictions are very serious, so if you have been arrested for one, then it's in your best interest to try to avoid a conviction at all costs. However, you should still understand what the consequences will be if you are convicted. These consequences can vary quite a bit between states, so you will need to narrow your focus down to the laws of the specific state where you are being accused of a DUI.
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  • Can Grandparents File For Custody?

    There are certain times that grandparents want to file for custody. They may feel they can offer their grandchildren the best life. Is it possible to file for custody? While the short answer is yes, the long answer is that it isn't easy. There are a lot of steps for grandparents to go through with the courts to be awarded custody. Courts Will Look at Parents First You may not agree with the way that your grandchild's parents are raising their child, but that does not mean you can just apply for custody.
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