Did Your Obstetrician Let You Go Past Your Due Date And You Needed An Emergency C-Section? Call A Lawyer
Posted on: 8 July 2016
If you were in severe pain, had the signs of preeclampsia, were abnormally large in the abdomen, and your doctor let you go past your due date and you ended up needing an emergency C-section, talk with a lawyer fast. If you missed out on the natural birth that you wanted, and your life or the infant's was at risk, there could still be long-term damages you haven't noticed yet.
Studies have shown that having a baby past 40 weeks can lead to the following complications or health concerns:
- Higher chance of spending time in the NICU
- Increased risk of a still birth delivery
- Greater chance of needing a cesarean
These are all things that can greatly impact your life, and that could have been avoided if your doctor would have induced or taken the baby out sooner. Here is some information your lawyer will need.
Statistics and Vitals of the Infant at Birth
Was the baby abnormally large or so large it couldn't be birthed naturally? If so, your physician should have noticed this when measuring you during appointments, and while monitoring your weight gain. If your baby weighed in the top percentile for its due date, this may also show that your physician missed issues like gestational diabetes. Bring the child's information, including its apgar score.
Previous Obstetrician Appointment Notes
Did you show a significant gain in weight suddenly at the end of your pregnancy, the basic warning signs of preeclampsia, high blood pressure or a high heart rate and other noticeable problems that your physician ignored? Get a print out of all your appointment statements from the time you first found out you were pregnant, until the last appointment before you delivered the child so your lawyer can go through the numbers, blood work and more.
If the cesarean that you had to have ruined your birthing experience, caused problems for you at work, lead to complications with your partner or husband's schedule and more, you deserve to be compensated. You shouldn't have to suffer because your doctor didn't want to induce or take the baby out and because they waited too long to let mother nature take its course. Their neglect could have forced you into a surgical procedure, put your life and the infant's life at risk, and ended up ruining the entire birthing process for you; and your medical professional needs to take responsibility.
For a personal injury lawyer, click on this link http://www.buchelawlv.com or do an online search.