• 3 Things To Know About Child Custody

    When it comes to relationships, not all of them go the distance. In 2014 alone, there were just over 800,000 divorces in the US. Many couples who split, whether they were married or not, also have children together. Deciding how to split a child's time up between two parents can be difficult. Determining where their child's primary residence will be can also be difficult and a source of strife. Child custody agreements can take a lot of time and adjustments to get right.
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  • Getting Divorced In Florida? What To Know About Alimony

    One part of the divorce process will be determining if alimony should be paid and how much it should be. Be aware that the need and amount of alimony payments is determined by a judge, and there are several factors that go into the final decision. Here are a few key things to know about alimony if you are getting divorced in Florida. A Judge Considers Earning Capabilities of Both Parties
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