• Settling A Divorce After Domestic Violence: 5 Things Your Attorney Must Fight For On Your Behalf

    Hiring a divorce attorney after you've been abused in a domestic violence situation is the first step in changing the rest of your life; however, there are many more steps ahead of you. One very important step is your divorce settlement, which must essentially guarantee you, and your children if you have any, a way out of the situation and upward to a better life.  1. Possession Of Your Home And Property
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  • Dividing Up Marital Assets And Debts During A Difficult Divorce

    Coming up with a solution for a property settlement during a divorce is going to take some negotiation. When the divorce is full of contention, figuring out who is going to get what property from the divorce is going to be a nightmare. A property distribution lawyer knows what it takes to get two people to negotiate during a divorce to get to a final determination. Whether you live in a community property state and everything is divided in half or you live in an equitable distribution state and everything is split fairly, it's important to know what you can expect out of your divorce so that you know when to stand your ground.
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  • Can You Get A Divorce Without An Attorney?

    Going through a divorce is one of the most expensive processes many Americans will undergo. After having gotten used to sharing expenses, divorce forces a couple to find a way to live separate lives. All this, of course, is before you even factor in the costs of hiring an attorney. Hiring an attorney is not cheap and this is an expense many people hope they can avoid. This raises the question of whether or not you can get divorced without an attorney and whether this is a good idea to begin with.
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  • Thinking About Bankruptcy? Know What Won't Be Discharged

    While you may think that filing for bankruptcy is the answer to all your financial problems, it is not always the case. Some debts are not allowed to be discharged, so you'll still need to pay them off after everything is wrapped up in court. Here are those debts that won't be discharged so you can be well aware of what they are. Housing Fees Is part of the reason for your bankruptcy filing due to your house costing too much money?
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  • Need to Leave an Addict and Get a Divorce? What to Know Now

    If drug abuse or alcohol addiction has taken over your spouse's life and you have tried to help them over and over with no success, you may feel like you want to get a divorce. If you are worried that they are going to act violently or fight you to get the kids, and they can't be trusted, you want to meet with a lawyer right away. A family divorce lawyer sees divorce cases every day and will be able to help you file and get the case moving quickly.
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